At the Lake - Blue Heron

Today was a beautiful day on Kentucky Lake. Hoping to capture some bird pictures, I took my Canon camera with me plus a zoom lens. 

I was lucky enough to get some fairly good pics of the Great Blue Heron. This one was busy looking for fish and let me take several shots. 

He stands so silently along the water's edge.

They like to be in shallow water and wait for a fish to swim near.

He soon had enough of me snapping my camera and was ready to take off.

They fly with slow wingbeats.

When the heron is soaring, his head is often hunched back towards his neck. 

Although many people don't like them on their docks because of the mess they make, I always enjoy seeing them on the water or in the air.

Hope you enjoyed the Blue Heron on Kentucky Lake - Judy

Linking to:

Photographing New Zealand @ My Corner of the World on Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life

Wandering Camera @ Ink Torrents Graphics on the last Thursday of the month

Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturday 

Bird DePot @ I'd Rather Be Birding

Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Saturday

Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods on Monday pm


  1. He posed nicely. I love the shots where he's flying! Magnificent.

  2. I enjoyed the Blue Heron captures, Judy.

    Incredible photography!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. They are truly gorgeous creatures and your captures are great to see :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  4. Thank you for showing me the birds

  5. The photos of him in flight are really nice! Great photos of a beautiful big bird!

  6. Hello,
    Beautiful series on the Great Blue Heron. I love the flight captures! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

  7. Stunning!! Perfect series...truly professional looking photos!!
    Thanks for linking in this week.

  8. So elegant! These are beautiful shots.

    My latest post:

  9. Love the Great Blue Heron!
    You got some good in-flight photos!

  10. Judy - fab heron photos! Joining you from Wandering Camera. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Such wonderful photos!! I really love the in flight ones.

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera! Happy Thanksgiving!
