Pollinators - Bees and Butterflies in the Garden

As our gardens come to life, we begin to see the beauty of our summer flowers.

Butterflies also begin to visit our gardens. The yellow swallowtail and the zebra swallowtail are attracted to the colorful flowers in my garden.

Butterflies are attracted to the colorful fragrant flowers in our gardens.  They feed on the nectar produced by the flowers. As they move from flower to flower, they pollinate the plants. 

Another pollinator that we see in our gardens are bees. 

Just as we need butterflies to pollinate, we need the bees to carry pollen from one flower to the next.

Thanks to these pollinators, our gardens end up with more plants and flowers. Thanks for stopping by - Judy.

Linking to:

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday

I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon

Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Dishing It and Digging It @ Rustic & Refined on Sunday 

Amaze Me Monday @ Dwellings 
MET Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Celebrate Your Story @ Celebrate & Decorate on Monday

Inspiration Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Talk of the Town @ Kick of Time on Tuesday

My Corner of the World @ Photographing New Zealand on Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop @ Claire Justine

Share Your Style Link Party @ White Arrows Home 

Home and Garden Thursday @ A Delightsome Life on Wednesday evening

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life
Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Friday Photo Journal @ Serendipity is Sweet

Thursday Favorite Things @ Follow the Yellow Brick Home

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound on Friday

Sundays at Home @ Little Farmstead on Saturday

Celebrate Your Story @ Celebrate & Decorate on Sunday
Dishing It and Digging It @ Rustic & Refined on Sunday 


  1. Nice to see the blooms and butterflies of your garden.

  2. Oh my! Is that a hydrangea? I know they come in so many different colors but I've not seen that color. They are my favorite flower! Love seeing the bees!

  3. Hello, your flowers are lovely. I am sure the bees and butterflies love your gardens. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. You have captured your flowers, and these pollinators, well. Thanks for linking up.

  5. Beautiful photos of your flowers, bees, and butterflies!
    I am not seeing many butterflies yet, and I am beginning to wonder where they are.
    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Hello, gorgeous captures of the butterflies. Your flowers are all beautiful. Thank so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

  7. Enter your comment...Nice camera work Judy. We have bees aplenty but so far this year, no butterflies.

  8. WoW!!! you are really seeing some gorgeous butterflies and capturing some great images!! the bees too, they look so pretty on the beautiful, colorful flowers!!

    i have only seen a few butterflies, but i have the right plants and flowers and i hope to see them soon!!!

  9. Beautiful floral macro shots ~ love the bees especially ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Fabulous photos....great post to remind us to be kind to our 'pollinators'!

  11. Nice you have good things for them in your garden. I had Mason Bees early in the season. Right now the bumblebees are enjoying my Spike Plants that have huge blooming spikes. - Margy

  12. Beautiful photos of flowers and busy pollinators. They are so important to us humans.


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  14. Judy - a clever idea for a post. I tend to focus on the flowers, and not so much on the 'workers'. Duly noted - you might see this in a future post, my friend! Gorgeous photos all the way around.

  15. It's awesome to see such lovely 'workers' in the garden! I love listening to the bees as they do their work pollinating.

    I'm delighted to have you join 'My Corner of the World' this week!
    My Corner of the World

  16. You have such beautiful flowers! I love swallowtails and other pollinators. We had about a hundred swallowtail caterpillars devour my fennel this year, but I don't mind. I'm just happy to see them in my garden!
