At the Feeders and in the Trees - Week 22

The Goldfinches are at the feeders daily and now, with the weather turning much colder, they are depending on the food.

I put out a large cake with meal worms this past week and was surprised to see the finches (photo on the upper right) eating it.

The meal worm cake is a medley mix so it could be there is something else in the mix they are attracted to. 

I always love seeing the Carolina Chickadee at my feeders. This past week on Rosyfinch Rambling's blog, I saw the Black-capped and the Mountain Chickadees pics that Kenneth posted. It's interesting to see the differences of the chickadees. 

I took this Carolina Chickadee at my daughter's house on Christmas Day. 

I did snap a quick pic of the chickadee taking off from the branch. It's not a great pic but I enjoy trying to capture them just as they depart.

The mourning dove usually walks around on the deck eating loose seeds.

The Downy Woodpecker is enjoying another large cake.

I need some help identifying this next bird. Not sure what bird he might be. He reminds me of a wren but his coloring is throwing me off. Hope someone can help me out. 

For Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for the time we spent with our grandsons over the Christmas holidays baking cookies, decorating gingerbread houses and making gift containers filled with cookies for friends and neighbors.

Thanks for stopping by - Judy.

Linking to: 

Talk of the Town @ Knick of Time on Tuesday
Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer
Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention Photo Gallery
Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

Home and Garden Thursday @ A Delightsome Life
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have A Cup of Mrs. Olson
Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life

Friday Photo Journal @ Serendipity is Sweet

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon


  1. Nice to see this selection of birds. I have had quite a few during our cold snap.

  2. These are beautiful visitors! They are so lucky to have you to take care of them so well.

  3. Lovely little birds. The last might be a female of Carduelis chloris - European greenfinch?

  4. Hello, cute photos and birds. I especially love the first goldfinch! I hope you and your family had a happy Christmas! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  5. Love your birds!
    The cost of their food is a small price to pay for the wonder and beauty they bring to us

  6. We love to have bird feeders to watch too. We have warblers right now and not goldfinches. And the robins flew in this week by the flocks! Happy holidays!

  7. I wish my feeders would attract some birds. So far nothing. 2 full feeders and not one bird has sampled the goods. Mostly I see meadowlarks all around, but guess I need to research and see what they like to eat. Your have some beautiful shots here. Happy Wednesday!

  8. Great photos, I love chickadees. When my children were young they each had a 'mailbox' outside their door and they would rush home from school to see if Chickadee Dan had left them a note or present (feather). That was such fun!

  9. Wonderful photos! How interesting that the goldfinches are after the mealworm cake. Have a wonderful New year!

  10. loved to see the goldfinches. Have not seen much of them this winter :(

  11. A terrific collection of birds! My feeder was mobbed by Steller's Jays and Blue Jays this morning. The Juncos and the Chickadees were outmanned! Could your unidentified bird be a type of vireo? Happy New Year to you!

  12. Happy New Year Judy! I love the photos of the birds but especially of your grandsons...Having one I know how much fun it is to do things with them....Beautiful boys...Michelle

  13. Wonderful bird visitors to your feeders! Sweet little ones too enjoying the Christmas baking!
