At the Lake - Pelican Sightings

In the fall of the year, American White Pelicans migrate south through Kentucky Lake and what a thrill it is for a birdwatcher like me.

Maybe it is because of their huge wingspan . . .

or their long yellow bills with expandable throat pouches . . .

or even their orange feet . . .

Who knows the attraction to the American White Pelicans!

On Saturday, October 18, they came into Cypress Bay and very close to our boat docks. We weren't out in the boats looking for them as in the past. We were able to watch them dive for fish right from our dock.

You know I was snapping my camera as quick as I could.

Whatever it is that is so thrilling about the White Pelican migration, we always are on the lookout for them in the fall!

Linking to:

MET Monday @ BNOTP

AWWW Mondays @ Xmas Dolly

OMHG Wonderful Wednesday on Monday

You're the Star @ God's Growing Garden on Monday

Image-in-ing on Monday

Through My Lens on Monday

My Corner of the World @ Photographing New Zealand on Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention on Wednesday am

Wordless Wednesday @ Comedy Plus

Thinking Out Loud Thursday @ Penney's Passion on Wednesday

Homestead Blog Hop @ Ridge Haven Homestead

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life

Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Water H20 Thursday @ Roentare Blog on Thursday

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturday 

Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and So On on Sunday


  1. They are interesting birds!

  2. Beautiful birds. I love being out on a boat watching the birds.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. Beautiful - and so white! What I mostly see here in Florida are brown pelicans.

  4. ...Judy, you captured the pelicans beautifully. Thanks, I've never seen them. Have a fabulous fall weekend.

  5. That must be some thrill! Lovely shots.

  6. Love these stunning birds. I haven't seen many of them up close. Thank you for sharing.

  7. These are interesting birds and you have captured them so well. Thank you for linking up.
