
At the Feeders and in the Trees - Week 29

The male American Goldfinches are so brightly colored in the summer. They visit the feeders with black oil sunflower seeds. You can see a seed in the mouth of one Goldfinch in the collage below.

Maybe the finch doesn't like the Downy Woodpecker on the hummingbird feeder.

Anyway the finch is taking off.

Not many hummers are visiting my feeders but this little guy is stopping by for a drink.

The chipping sparrow is a ground feeder so doesn't visit the feeders but comes around to the deck floor. The black line through the eye is very visible and the rusty crown make him easy to identify.

The Grackles mostly eat on the ground below my feeders. The will come up and eat at the suet feeders and the black oil sunflower feeders. In the pic, you can see some of the blue-green sheen on his neck.

I usually don't capture two Red-bellied Woodpeckers in the same shot but got lucky here.

The Red-bellied is fussing at the little Downy coming up the tree.

The Northern Cardinal is always a delight to watch. Love their visits.

Thanks for stopping by - Judy. 

Linking to: 

Met Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention Photo Gallery
Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life
Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound

Friday Photo Journal @ Serendipity is Sweet


  1. Hello, lovely captures of your feeder birds. The goldfinches are one of my favorites along with the woodpeckers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Beautiful birds!
    We seem to have more Goldfinches this Summer than in the past, but less Hummingbirds
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Goldfinches are always a favorite. They sure are beautiful. You have a lot of fine visitors to your feeders. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Bird visits make all the feeding effort worthwhile. These are beautiful goldfinches and the woodpeckers are amazing. I always love watching cardinals, especially the males. We don’t have a lot of birds this year!

  5. Wow!Really gorgeous pictures...They are adorable.Hugs.

  6. What beautiful close ups! We don't have as many birds right now at the feeders. I guess they are finding plenty to eat in nature. I love goldfinches...will be awhile before we see them again!

  7. All these wonderful bird visitors are awesome! Love those bright goldfinches though! Wow!

  8. sure attract a color bunch of dinner quests!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! All are picture post card perfection!! For sharing this post with us birders, I thank you.

  10. Fabulous. So much variety and so much color. It never ceases to amaze me how much 'bird' personality you can see in a single shot!

  11. Your garden bird feeder has attracted so many varieties of beautiful birds. They are all so colourful!

  12. What a joy to have in the garden. We have visitors like that to our bird baths. Your goldfinch is a beauty. Very different in colour from the ones we get here.
