
At the Feeders and in the Trees - Week 28

Lots of birds have been visiting our feeders lately. They are always such a joy to watch. The Carolina Chickadee is so fast, he grabs a seed and is gone so quickly.

House finches visit daily. The pic below is a male and a female.

There is room for everybody to eat at the feeders.

The Nuthatch visits year round just like the finches.

The robins are so busy looking for worms to feed their young. When I dig in my flower beds, they are close by just in case a worm is spied.

Love the crest on this Northern Cardinal.

Thanks for stopping by - Judy.

Linking to:

Met Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention Photo Gallery
Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life
Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon
Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound

Friday Photo Journal @ Serendipity is Sweet


  1. I enjoy these birds at my feeders as well. A simple joy :)

  2. Judy, Such great snaps of these fine feathered friends. I love the male and female snap of the finches. It's like they were waiting to get photographed! You really know how to attract bird life to your yard.

  3. How beautiful!Such happiness!

  4. Wonderful to be able to watch the birds at the makes me happy..Lovely photos of your birdy visitors..Michelle

  5. You have lots of visitors. Love the finches. Wonderful pics.

  6. Such colorful visitors and what a great variety!

  7. Hello, beautiful collection of birds. The finches are so pretty and I love the sweet Nuthatch. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for visit and commenting on my post.

  8. Wonderful series of photos of our feathered friends! Gorgeous!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Beautiful!
    Great photos!
    Have a wonderful day!

  10. I love seeing that nuthatch. We had them in NC but don't see them here in FL. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Good pictures of the birds..I see those frequently as well...You're right..Those little Chickadees are very illusive.Enjoy the rest of your weekend..Thanks for stopping by..

  12. House finches are very frequent visitors to our feeders, and I never tire of their color! Especially because we don't have Cardinals out here, the red on the house finch is all the red I am likely to get. (Although I did see a red crossbill yesterday!) Enjoy your week ahead!
