
At the Feeders and in the Trees - Week 24

With the sleet, snow and ice over the past few days in Western Kentucky, the birds need all the food and water that we can provide.

Here's how my feeders looked when I got home today. I have 11 feeders and they were all empty. I did start filling them quickly.

On a brighter note, I had a couple of new visitors to my feeders and got a few shots to share.

The White-crowned Sparrow was a first for me to photograph. Notice his distinctive head with the black and white stripes, pink peak and gray breast. 

The second new visitor for me this week was the Eastern Towhee. This one is the female towhee, hope the male comes to visit soon. 

They are in the sparrow family and are a chunky bird with a long, rounded tail. I read they spend most of their time on the ground, but with the ice and snow, they are at my feeders. 

Other visitors this week include: 


Dark-eyed Junco (love his pink peak)

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker (with a female cardinal behind)

Thanks for stopping by and please keep your feeders full and your water thawed - Judy.

Linking to:

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon

Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer
Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention Photo Gallery
Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

Home and Garden Thursday @ A Delightsome Life
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have A Cup of Mrs. Olson
Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life
Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Friday Photo Journal @ Serendipity is Sweet


  1. Beautiful birds!
    Congratulations on getting really good photos of the Towhee - I know how elusive they can be!
    All the snow has melted here in north Mississippi, and when I went outside this afternoon, a Cardinal was splashing around in the bird bath!

  2. neewbies I love it - my feedes in bad shape got to get new

  3. Isn't that Sparrow pretty and it's always fun to see the Juncos appear when it snows! You have such a great variety...glad you had seed to fill your feeders! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I have no easy place to put a feeder since the squirrels eat the food before the birds get to it. It makes me sad because I love watching birds gather at a feeder.

  5. Great photos of your wonderful bird visitors!

  6. Hello!:) Love the new Sparrow at your feeder. The White Crowned Sparrow is very pretty. Lovely photos of all your hungry visitors.

  7. Oh man....your first two birds....just call me jealous [green with envy!] I've searched and hoped to find both of those in my area, but so far to no avail.

    Exceptional images of all Judy. I enjoyed seeing them. [11 feeders?!!! - that must be a chore to keep 'em filled!!]

    And, I want to convey my thanks to you for sharing this post with all of us birders from I'd Rather B Birdin' this week!!!

  8. Great bird captures!

  9. Beautiful birds, Judy! I do not see the White-crowned Sparrow in my area and the only Towhee I see are usually on the ground. Love the Cardinals. I loved all the photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I appreciate your visit and comment! Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  10. You got such great pictures of the birds in your area. I did not know that cute little one with the striped head even existed. How cute is he!!

  11. You do have a nice variety of birds at your feeder. I saw my first white-crowned sparrow this winter. They are beautiful.

  12. They are all pretty, but the cardinals will always be my favorite. Great shots!

  13. Gosh Judy, those birds are lucky to have you there with your full feeders -- so needed during the awful weather. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures.) We used to have white crowned and yellow crowned sparrows in our Oregon yard (in our former life) .... they loved our mulch/compost piles as did the towhees (the western ones). I do miss feeding birds but they don't need it much here in Florida and we're not in Oregon during the winter nowadays .

  14. A friend of mine shared images of a White Crowned Sparrow on Kentucky Birders the other day and I realized that I don't believe I have ever seen one and there you have one as well...very pretty!!!
