
Can't Believe The Weather

I can't believe the weather. I drove in rain then sleet then snow on my way to work at the university this morning. The temp was 31 degrees. It's April 23 and this is the current weather. The tulips and flowering trees are in bloom and now what is going to happen to these gorgeous blooms?

Here's what it looks like on the campus of Missouri Western State University

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Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style 


  1. I have never seen the weather so mixed up as it has been this year. Thank goodness in Texas, we have not had much snow.

  2. As they always say, global warming will make temperate countries colder and hot climates hotter. So you have now 31°F, while we have 36.5C and still soaring! We will have deliverance only in May when the rainy season comes. Can you imagine our sufferings! But it is still a good life, no matter what the climate says!

  3. That is what nature does all the time. Nature rules!

    Here in Illinois last week we had rain, hail, sleet and snow. The snow didn't actually gather but it was snowing. Tonight it is raining again. Just what our area needs more rain with all the flooding going on everywhere.

    Nice photos posted. Hope to see you next week.

    JM Illinois

  4. We're having the same weather issues here in the Scottish Highlands although thankfully we haven't had any snow in quite a while.
    I do hope those blooms survive that snowfall.
    Thank you for sharing

