
A Visit From the Yellow-Rumped Warbler

I had a new visitor to my feeders today, the Yellow-Rumped Warbler. It was pretty exciting for me since he was a first time visitor.

This bird is a slate gray bird with black streaks on the breast. 

He has a yellow patch on the head, flanks, and rump. 

He has a white chin and belly. 

He also has two white wing bars. I read that this yellow-rumped warbler rarely comes to suet feeders but I first saw him on one of my suet feeders. 

Today was an exciting first for me. I am thankful for this visit from the warbler plus I am thankful the sun is shining, and it is a beautiful spring day here in Western Kentucky - Judy.

Linking to:

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon

Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer
Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention Photo Gallery
Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

Home and Garden Thursday @ A Delightsome Life
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have A Cup of Mrs. Olson
Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life
Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Friday Photo Journal @ Serendipity is Sweet

Met Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch


  1. What a gorgeous birdy!

  2. A very special bird!
    Have a nice day!

  3. ...a Yellow-Rumped Warbler is new to me, thanks!

  4. What a good looking bird! What type of seed do you usually feed, besides the suet? I like the different types of birds that you attract. Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend.

    1. Michelle, I read they eat insects, berries, and rarely come to suet feeders.

  5. What a wonderful little bird! Great photos!
    I have never seen one, but maybe I will someday. We are in their migratory route.

  6. Wonderful photos - so detailed! I saw my first one last year - a little flock was passing through. - Karen

  7. He is a striking bird - beautiful photos!

  8. Muy lindo pajarito...esos amarillos le dan vida a su plumaje
    Me encantan sus voces breves
    Lindo lugar

  9. Hello, it is a beautiful warbler. Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. Wonderful shots of the warbler. One briefly perched on a tree next to the road, but disappeared before I could take a pic. Lucky you! Have a great weekend.

  11. What a charming little creature!

  12. I understand your exitment. It is a lovely little one and you got some great shots to remember by.

  13. In Texas we call 'em butter butts or myrtle warblers. ...a rose by any other name, right? You captured it beautifully. Exciting to have a new bird, I understand this whole-heartedly!
    For this week, I send my thanks to you for sharing with us bird lovers at I'd Rather B Birdin'!

  14. He's a beautiful bird and posed amazing for you!! (Plus of course you are a great photographer). I would be very grateful for seeing such a pretty bird too. Hope your weather stays nice for a while.

  15. A charming little critters! How pretty.

  16. Judy, it appears the warbler posed for your camera! Wonderful photos! Happy Monday~

  17. I'm entranced! He (she?) seems to be looking for something in your photos. Unusual coloring that you captured perfectly. I admire your skills.
    Sandra @ Dinner at Eight

  18. Oh I have never seen any warblers in person..what a treat...Michelle
