
At the Feeders and in the Trees - Week 20

A Chipping Sparrow visited this week. Take a look:

A Northern Mockingbird is still visiting and gave me a quick shot while he stopped on top of a hanging water source near the deck. 

This little American Goldfinch is all puffed out. Hope he is not sick and is just trying to stay warm.

I am seeing the Purple Finch and Cardinals at the feeders this week. 

The red-bellied woodpecker is a regular visitor to the upside-down suet feeders or scavenging up and down the birch trees. 

I'm thankful that the birds visit my feeders. It bring me such pleasure to watch them. 

Our Mexican Sage and Elephant ears have put on a beautiful show this summer and early fall but tonight may be their last night of the season. Our temps our supposed to be in the lower 30's. 

I will cut the elephant ears back and dig the bulbs to store in our shop for the winter. The sage isn't hardy for our zone but I'm going to try cutting it back and use a thick layer of mulch and hope to see sprouts in the spring. I'm also going to try to gather some seeds from the sage. The purple color of the sage was gorgeous. 

Thanks for stopping by to see the birds at the feeders and in the trees - Judy.

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturday
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon

Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer
Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention Gallery

Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

Home and Garden Thursday @ A Delightsome Life 
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have A Cup of Mrs. Olson
Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life
Sweet Inspiration Link Party @ The Boondocks Blog on Fridays 


  1. Hello, wonderful variety of birds. I love the woodpecker, it is one of my favorites. Your sage is beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Your nature pics are always so amazing.

    You meant to say red-HEADED woodpecker though, right? Not bellied?

    We from upon any woodpeckers around here because our house is almost all cedar.

    A few years ago they pecked huge holes in our house!!! The repair is ugly but is so high up one can't notice as much, but oh golly it was bad - three huge holes. So the second we hear pecking hubs gets out the garden hose full blast and scares them off our house! : - )

    Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs. ♥

  3. ...some nice dinner guests.

  4. The Sage is beautiful!
    Wonderful bird photos, especially the Woodpeckers
    Have a great day!

  5. a very nice collection of birds :) Loved the little puffed up goldfinch :)

  6. Wonderful visitors...a great variety. Really nice photos.

  7. Your bird photos are gorgeous as are your flowers!!!! I like that sage and have been thinking about planting some. Thanks for linking up today and I hope you have a great weekend.
