
How's Your Weather Today?

Round Two of bad weather here in Western Missouri (Kansas City area).

Take a look of the view out the window this morning.

This is our second round of snow in less than a week. On Thursday, February 21, the area was blanketed with about 12 inches of dry snow and high winds. It took a couple of days to dig out of that one. Now we have been covered again with snow. This time it is a very wet snow and has covered the tree. The trees look like they have on white dresses.

The branches of the Japanese Maple are so weighted down with the wet white snow.

So heavy for their delicate branches.

My daughter put out more food for the birds last night expecting them to be very hungry today and with little food source other than feeders.

Did you notice the Gold Finch through the handle of the feeder? It's sitting on a branch on the tree.

Gold Finches are one of my favorites.

My grandson's watched the birds with me for a while then saw their fort out another window. The five year old was so worried about it and asked if it was going to fall down.  

How's your weather today? 

Linking to:

You're Gonna Love It Tuesday at Kathe With an E

Cedar Hill Ranch for Cowgirl Up! on Tuesdays
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures
Transformed Tuesdays at PJH Designs

Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style

Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Winter Blues Wednesday at DIY by Design


  1. Judy,
    The snow makes everything look so beautiful but I'm sure you're thinking, "Enough is enough!" We had a light dusting last weekend in SC, which we were all glad to see. Now all we're getting is rain, rain, and more rain!

  2. We have EXACTLY the same amount of skyfall, but our temps went down so it is nonstop RAIN instead of SNOW.

    It is super dreary and wet today.

    YESTERDAY was gorgeous - not a cloud in the sky and sunny and we had the most incredible full moon. Gorgeous.

    Today is a fire in hearth tea sippin book readin kind of day!

  3. Everything looks so beautiful and dreamy. I can just imagine being cozy by the fire! I love the pictures of the birds. That's just so precious that your grandson thought his play structure was in danger. Poor thing! :)

  4. Wow! It looks so pretty! This comes from someone who doesn't get is chilly for me today...65 and quite windy...we do get maddening winds here this time of year...the mountains are snow covered and the wind blows over them and its me it is! Your trees look so pretty...stay warm!!

  5. Michele and I must be in the same zone. I jokingly posted on Facebook this morning that, "The ark is finished - does anyone need a lift?". However, it stopped raining a few hours ago and I actually saw the sun this afternoon! I cannot believe all of the snow that all of you have had. Wow - hope it ends soon. Stay safe!!

  6. Your pictures are really pretty, Judy, but you folks have really gotten slammed with snowstorms recently. Wow! Here in North Carolina today it's very cold and has been raining/sleeting since early this morning. Yuck. Believe it or not, the temps. reached 60 degrees here on Sunday.

    We love to feed the birds, too. We've had a crowd at the feeders today since the weather is so nasty.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. I feel for you Judy. We have lots of that white stuff here too.

  8. That looks familiar! Greetings from snowy Kansas!
    XO Cindy

  9. Oh my, that does look cold. I'm so glad I live in the desert!

  10. does look cold where you live. The midwest experienced a snow storm today. I like the four seasons though. Different attitude when you can choose not to go driving out in it to be somewhere at a certain time. My husband and I are retired. I love the images of the birds at the feeder. So glad you are helping them find food during the winter months.
    JM Illinois

  11. Brrrrrr.........I can't imagine living with all this snow. I hope you have a cozy fire going. '-) It is pretty!

  12. After looking at your pictures, I am resolved to STOP complaining about my rain. You look very snowed in.

    On the upside, it is absolutely beautiful to look at, especially from my little corner of Dixie where we don't get snow.

  13. Bless your heart...I know you've had lots of snow and are probably sick of it but just think how great all the moisture is for your will have a lovely spring, I'll bet. :)

  14. It's beautiful but looks sooo cold! I won't tell you about our weather as it might seem rude. ;-)
    Stay warm!

  15. Judy,
    Pretty much the same here on my side of the Prairie!!! All total, we've had 21+ inches with another SNOW Storm expected for this weekend!!!
    We're staying indoors (Spring Cleaning) and enjoying comfort foods!!!

  16. It looks so lovely but I can understand if you are now fed up with this weather. I bet the birds are grateful that you are feeding them. Over here the snow has now gone (just a small smattering compared to yours) and the spring bulbs are emerging so there is hope on the horizon. Hope the thaw is soon for you. Take care. Chel

  17. Wow, you really did get lots of snow! It's so pretty, but I hope all your trees and the "fort" survive!

  18. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Hi...stumbled upon your blog via Savvy Southern Style. I recognized the snow since it looks just like mine! I live (and blog) in Lee's Summit so I was excited to see another local blogger....I have not run across too many of those!! Looking forward to keeping up with you!

  19. How pretty! I love the birds! Thanks for sharing at Transformed Tuesday and I'm featuring you later tonight. Hope you are safe and warm.
    Peggy~PJH Designs
