
Christmas Vignette on the Sideboard

Christmas is just a few days away and I am still thinking about more places to decorate in my house. I made a vignette on the sideboard in my entry to share with you. I don't think I have every featured anything on my sideboard so you may not have seen my lamp that holds Peggy Karr plates. The plate is the 11 inch Reindeer. I love changing the plates for holidays. 

Sitting in my cloche is a Harmony Kingdom Santa. Another Santa sits in front that is making his way down the chimney. 

The Christmas tree is Fenton Glass.

I'm adding one more piece to the vignette, an Old World Ornament book.

My  vignette includes a vintage table runner that belonged to my Mom so it is very special.

I made a few more adjustments to the vignette by moving the runner out a little. I decided I wanted more of it to show; now I am done. I wish my Mom was here to enjoy it with me but she passed away in 2004. My Dad who is 90 gave the runner to me.

Merry Christmas to All. Thanks for stopping by - Judy. 

Linking to:
Mary @ A Stroll Thru Life


  1. What a gorgeous vignette! I think the runner adds the perfect touch. Love your Santas and the book you added.

  2. Thats so pretty Judy. I love the ribbon you used and that reindeer plate stole my heart..

    Merry Christmas~!

  3. Lovely Christmas touches. Beautiful table runner. I am sure it is very special to you!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. What a lovely vignette - even more lovely with the cherished Christmas runner from your mother.

    Thanks so much for sharing it at Knick of Time Tuesday!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  5. Hello Mrs JB,

    Wow! your clochés are so wonderful. It is so festive in your warm welcoming home.

    Happy Christmas.

    Greetings from chilly Stockholm,
