
Barns, Blooms, & Birds #12


I was driving in the country in Calloway County, Kentucky, and saw an old barn that seemed to be standing on its last leg. I drove by the barn and just had to stop, backed my car up and took a few pics of the collapsing barn. 

Did you notice the piece of lumber propped against the right side of the barn holding it up? 

Gosh, I haven't done any barns posts since 2016 when I did a series of 11 posts on Barns, Blooms, and Birds. So today I'm posting #12 in this series.

The barn was sitting close to the road, so it was easy to get a few pics. It was so sad to see the condition of the barn. Wish I knew more about this old barn. I'll check with my friend who lives out that way and see if she knows any of the barn's history.

I couldn't tell if it was a tobacco barn but I'm sure there are many stories that go along with the life of this barn. 

I continued driving on the country road and then saw another old barn. This one was in much better shape, and I can even imagine tobacco hanging in the barn during the tobacco season. It sat further back on the property so I couldn't get any closer.


Our Limelight Hydrangeas are in bloom. These creamy white blooms look so fresh and clean in the summer heat. If you love hydrangeas like I do, it is so exciting when these paniculata hydrangea start to flower. 

With drip hoses on timers for watering the flowers, I am thankful to still have other blooms. The spiky blooms on the Speedwell plants are providing beautiful purple color in the gardens.

Angelonia (white spiky flowers) and the purple Calibrachoa are still going strong even in the heat. Again, it is the drip hoses that are keeping them blooming. I have fertilized these a few times this summer.

A few butterflies are visiting the flowers.

I got a two for one shot with this pic; an extra insect stopped by.

Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) is growing in several beds in our yard.

I saw a butterfly that could have blended in with the flowers. Glad I saw it fluttering around!

The black-eyed Susans are taking over with a few zinnias, and the red flower is the bloom on a Canna.

Zinnias are such a beautiful flower to grow plus they don't require much attention. Just enjoy their beauty.

I am thankful we have a well to water; can you image what the water bill would be?

Pink Pantas are blooming in a huge pot with other plants.  They are known as Egyptian Stars because of their five-points on each bloom. 


My hummingbird feeders are providing water and food for the hummers.

Plus the woodpeckers like to drink the sugar water in the feeders.

I had been trying to get some good shots of a hummer and finally got lucky and captured a few.

Not many hummers have been visiting this summer but in the last few days, I have seen more activity.

Keep that sugar water coming!

Bird baths are providing water for the birds to drink. Small fountains in saucers with rocks encourage the birds to land for a drink or a bath. 

There you have it, for #12 in this old series of posts that has been revived. May there will be a #13 if I go for another drive in the country - Judy.

Thankfully, it rained this weekend! 

How about your area, are you getting any rain?

Linking to:

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day on the 15th of the month

MET Monday @ BNOTP

OMHG Wonderful Wednesday on Monday

You're the Star @ God's Growing Garden on Monday

Image-in-ing on Monday

Through My Lens on Monday

All About Home @ Follow the Yellow Brick Home and Common Ground on Monday at 6 pm

Inspire Me Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life

Beautifully Made Link Party @ Across the Blvd. on Tuesday 7am

Tuesdays With A Twist @ Stone Cottage Adventures on Tuesday

Tuesday Turn About @ My Wee Abode at 5 pm

Wonderful Wednesday @ Ducks in a Row on Tuesday evening

Karins Kottage Linky Party @ Karins Kottage on Wednesday am

My Corner of the World @ Photographing New Zealand on Wednesday

Friendship Friday Blog Hop @ Create With Joy on Thursday

Share Your Style @ French Ethereal on Wednesday at 6 pm

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life

Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch

Home Matters Linky Party @ Decor Craft Design

Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner

Grace at Home @ The Charm of Home on Thursday

Fabulous Link Party @ Peacock Ridge Farm, Living Large in a Small House, South House Designs, & Vintage Home Designs on Friday

Floral Bliss on Friday

Friday Features Link Party @ Penny's Passion

Fabulous Friday Link Party @ South House Designs

A Morning Cup of Joe @ The Cottage Market on Friday

Farm House Friday @ County Road 407

Friday With Friends @ My Hubbard Home

Saturday Sparks @ Pieced Pastimes on Friday

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound on Friday

Dare to Share @ Pam's Party

Garden Affair @ Jaipur Garden 

Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday

Sunday Sunshine Blog @ Ridge Haven Homestead on Sunday

Love Your Creativity Link Party @ Life and Linda on Sunday at 2pm

Sundays on Silverado @ The House on Silverado

Inspire Me Monday @ Create With Joy on Sunday

Busy Monday @ A Pinch of Joy on Sundays at 5pm


  1. Stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love old barns and photographing them. Beautiful flowers, birds, and butterflies. Wishing you a lovely week, Judy!

  3. Your garden has fabulous flowers; thanks for sharing them. The old barn is sad, hanging on one piece of wood

  4. There are several like that around us and I too am always a little sad when I see a dilapidated barn. Hope they do something wonderful with some of the old wood. At least as a memory. Thank you for sharing this on Farmhouse Friday.

  5. Fantastic photos! I love your flowers. I bet that old barn surely does have some stories to it.
    Visiting today from Little Things Thursday # 36

  6. Judy - so sad to see that barn falling over. A stitch in time saves nine, but I think it's way past any stitching. The limelight hydrangeas are well named. Good shots of the hummers and I am sure the birds are very thankful for the water. We have several lakes around here, so it is not needed in the summer. But I am planning to get one for the winter that is heated so that it does not freeze. Have a good weekend!

  7. Lovely flowers and flying critters! We have had quite a few afternoon rainstorms.
