
Summer Color in My Gardens and On The Porch

 Don't you just love the colors of Summer? Today, I'm going to share some of the colors of blooms in my gardens and colors on my porch here in Kentucky.

I'm so happy that my hydrangeas are blooming. This vibrant pink color is so beautiful. 

This hydrangea is a young plant and located just off my front porch.

Shades of pink flowers bring more color to my gardens. These zinnias are growing from seeds I planted, and they have just started blooming.

There are some light pink and white flower colors in this area of my gardens. The light pink flower is Cleome (Spider Flowers). It thrives in full sun and is deer and rabbit resistant. The white blooms are Verbenia and butterflies, and pollinators love it. 

Bright colors of yellow, red, and white are abundant is this small flower bed. The yellow are daylilies, the white is sage. The two red plants are Canas and Scarlet Red Firecracker Penstemon. 

The bright purple clematis always brings so much color to my gardens. It is a climbing perennial, so you enjoy it year after year.

In a small bed about 6 foot in length and 3 feet wide, summer color is bold and beautiful with several perennials and some annuals planted. The bright yellow coneflower does well in this full sun bed. 

Coreopsis returned from last year and with beautiful buttery yellow blooms that attract butterflies and birds. I have it in pots and in the ground. 

Shasta Daisies are in full bloom with their white flowers and yellow center. They grow in clumps that are about 2-3 feet high. 

A small toad is keeping an eye on the flowers. 

The Speedwell is growing in another bed.  It has showy purple spikes. 

Pink and White Vinca are scattered in my beds for pops of color.

I have caladiums with their big heart shaped leaves producing lots of gorgeous pink, white, and green color in their foliage. This variety is called Peppermint; I love how showy these caladiums look; they are just gorgeous.

There are three types in this pot: Peppermint, the solid white with green veins is Candidum Jr., and the ones with red centers are Bombshell Caladium. 

Another colorful plant on the porch is a tuberous begonia. They come in several colors, but these produces bright red blooms. 

I would love to hear about the colors you have in your gardens or on your porch - Judy

Linking to: 

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day on the 15th of the month

MET Monday @ BNOTP

OMHG Wonderful Wednesday on Monday

All About Home @ Follow the Yellow Brick Home and Common Ground on Monday at 6 pm

Through My Lens on Monday

Inspire Me Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life

Tuesdays With A Twist @ God's Growing Garden 

Tuesdays With A Twist @ Stone Cottage Adventures on Tuesday

Tuesday Turn About @ My Wee Abode at 6 pm

Wonderful Wednesday @ Ducks in a Row on Tuesday evening

Karins Kottage Linky Party @ Karins Kottage on Wednesday am

My Corner of the World @ Photographing New Zealand on Wednesday

Share Your Style @ French Ethereal on Wednesday at 6 pm

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life

Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch

Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner

Grace at Home @ The Charm of Home on Thursday


Funtastic Link Party @ Two Chicks and A Mom on Thursday 9pm 

Fabulous Link Party @ Peacock Ridge Farm, Living Large in a Small House, South House Designs, & Vintage Home Designs on Friday

Friendship Friday Blog Hop @ Create With Joy

Create, Bake, Grow and Gather Party @ Shabby Art Boutique on Friday

Floral Bliss on Friday

Friday Features Link Party @ Penny's Passion

Fabulous Friday Link Party @ South House Designs

A Morning Cup of Joe @ The Cottage Market on Friday

Farm House Friday @ County Road 407

Friday With Friends @ My Hubbard Home

Saturday Sparks @ Pieced Pastimes on Friday

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound on Friday

Garden Affair @ Jaipur Garden 

Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday

Sunday Sunshine Blog @ Ridge Haven Homestead on Sunday

Love Your Creativity Link Party @ Life and Linda on Sunday at 2pm

Sundays on Silverado @ The House on Silverado

Inspire Me Monday @ Create With Joy on Sunday

Busy Monday @ A Pinch of Joy on Sundays at 5pm


  1. Beautiful!
    I especially like the red Begonia. And those Caladiums!
    I used to have Caladiums around my Gardenia, but over time they disappeared. Probably moles or voles got them.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. What beautiful flowers! I must admit that my favorite are those bright pink hydrangeas. I have a few blue and white ones around our yard.

  3. I love all your beautiful flowers - especially the pinks!

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous, and you have so many different, vibrant colors. It must be a real joy to step outdoors into your garden.

  5. Beautiful summer colors and a beautiful garden. Wow.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. 💞

  6. Judy, your flowers are stunning! Thank you for the tour of your garden.
    Visiting today from Friendship Friday #27&28

  7. Your garden is lovely, Judy! It looks like summer is more advanced in your part of the country than mine. I've only just pinched my zinnias to encourage them to branch and I suspect it'll be weeks yet before I have flowers. Thanks for the notice that rabbits don't care for Cleome - as they seem to like almost everything else in my garden, I need to get some ;)

  8. Your garden is an amazing place for color!!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  9. Is there a way to subscribe to receive your posts by email? Thank you.

  10. Your zinnias are spectacular already, Judy! I have zero luck growing them no matter what. I always get some sort of mildew looking stuff on them.😣

  11. Tha'ts a very colourful garden. It must make you so happy!

  12. Judy - thanks for your second link to Mosaic Monday! Since I have retired, I invest quite a bit of time in my flower garden, and I have also learned a lot about native plants through our hikes. It amazes me how we have many common species, but different varieties of those species, that have clearly adapted to very different climates. I never knew about Spider Flowers until I moved here - they are terrific for pollinators! And Coreopsis - it spreads readily and blooms non-stop. And Montana has a zillion different types of Penstemon!!! Right now, my garden has just started blooming - Columbines (red and pink), Catmint (purple), Blanketflower (yellow), Salvia (purple), Penstemon (yellow).

  13. Beautiful array of blooms. The zinnias, Hydrangeas are just amazing. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  14. Beautiful blooms, similar to my garden here in Ontario, Canada.

  15. You make the most beautiful mosaics with your flower photos. I need to learn from you and get more creative!

  16. Beautiful garden Judy! Its all so lovely I don't even know what to focus on - it all looks so well together! Thanks for sharing!
