
Feathered Friends and the First Snow of 2022

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

My, oh, my, what a wonderful day.

This little guy is just hopping along the deck enjoying the morning.  


How beautiful to wake up to falling snow this morning. This is our first snow of the new year here in Western Kentucky. What a beautiful sight!

Seeing the birds at my feeders makes me thankful I had purchased a couple new ones and filled them before this snowfall.

We had a huge drop in temperature too! Yesterday the high was 62 degrees and today the high is 35 degrees. Right now, it 30 and feels like 21 with the wind. 

I like to think the birds appreciate the feeders and the seeds. This feeder is filled with safflower seeds which the squirrels don't like to eat.  Hope you have filled your feeders!

The male cardinal . . . 

The female cardinal . . .

Other birds at the feeders and in the trees. The chickadee and the male Downy Woodpecker are frequent visitors. 

Thanks for stopping in for Feathered Friends and the First Snow of 2022. 

Let me know what's going on at your feeders or in your trees - Judy.

Linking to:

Met Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch

Photographing New Zealand @ My Corner of the World on Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday @ Paying Ready Attention

Classy Flamingo @ Poinsettia Drive 

Thankful Thursday @ It's a Small Town Life

Wandering Camera @ Ink Torrents Graphics on the last Thursday of the month

Little Things Thursday @ Random-osity

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturday 

Bird DePot @ I'd Rather Be Birding

Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday

Love Your Creativity Link Party @ Life and Linda on Sunday at 2pm

Sundays on Silverado @ The House on Silverado

Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods on Monday pm


  1. Love your feathered friends!

  2. Judy - I miss Cardinals so much! The colors, the perky little caps on their heads! Out here in Montana, we have a zillion Mountain Chickadees and Black-capped Chickadees, Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Nothern Flickers, Canada Jays, White-breasted Nuthatches and Red-breasted Nuthatches. It's like Grand Central Station at our feeders every day! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  3. They sure are beautiful with a snowy background! It's not cold here but we have lots of birds in the feeders this morning...House finches, bluebirds, chickadees, warblers and a wren on the ground. Happy New year!

  4. Beautiful birds, we have a lot of cardinals and others eating off our backyard feeders also.

  5. Judy, Good thing the feeders were full. Thanks for sharing these birds. It's just too cold to go out with the camera. Happy New Year. Sylvia D.

  6. Wonderful photos of the birds. They must love your feeders in this weather.

  7. Male cardinals are such beautiful birds. We don't have them where we live in BC. - Margy

  8. Your feathered friends are beautiful against the snowy background!

    Happy 2022!

  9. Thanks for dropping by my blog, Judy. Wonderful series of images here. Birds bring a whole lot of joy to life, at very little cost, and they are are always there to entertain and delight. It doesn't get any better than that.

  10. I love the red bird! What a beauty. Thanks for sharing your birds. Ans snow :-)

  11. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
