
Caught In The Act

I've been enjoying the return of the hummingbirds as they start to visit my feeders. 

But, I got a surprise when I looked out the window . . .

There he was . . . a red-bellied woodpecker drinking out of one of my hummingbird feeder. 

I just had to get a pic of this guy. 

Thanks for stopping by - Judy.

Linking to:

Saturday's Critters @ Viewing Nature with Eileen on Saturdays
Camera Critters on Saturday
I'd Rather Be Birdin' on Saturday at noon

Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound


  1. Great photos!
    We have Hummingbirds at our feeders now, but they are so fast that I have not yet been able to get a photo.
    Love the Woodpecker! Maybe I should move one of my feeders closer to a tree limb!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Hello, I am waiting for my hummers to return! Great capture of the Woodpecker at the hummingbird feeder.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your day, happy weekend.

  3. How funny to see that big woodpecker getting some goodies! We haven't seen any hummers yet but I know we will any day! Take care!

  4. Wow, Judy, you always get the best shots of birds. Funny to see the big woodpecker at the feeder. He has a nice sturdy branch to stand on while he feeds. I'm sure he thanks you. Stay well.........

  5. Hello. There are no hummingbirds here in Europe. I wish I could see one someday. Someday I'll travel somewhere abroad to see them… Stay safe!

  6. Oh my gosh! WOW! You sure did catch him in the act! I had no idea they did the nectar thing!

    Your pictures are always so amazing.

    Hope you are staying home, safe, healthy and somewhat sane. Sure is weird these days, huh?

    Hugs, big big hugs. ♥

  7. Judy- I was shocked to have a rufous hummingbird fly up to me a couple of days ago. Maybe a week earlier than I would have expected!

    Do you think the woodpecker would have tried the hummingbird feeder if it could reach it without the branch?

  8. Wow how cool was that! I’ve never seen a woodpecker do that!
